Seasons 1-6


This series holds a million events and almost as many secrets. Here are what I call “the need to knows” (spoilers)as you watch:

Ian likes to video all the girls in the neighborhood through their windows. Alison became obsessed with Ian and targeted all girls who got in her way. Once she finally got Ian alone at the resort she found some of the videos. One video was Jenna seducing Toby. Alison liked blackmailing people and she started using the info she saw from the videos for blackmail as well. Ian tried to kill Spencer in the church and make it look like suicide but a hooded person stopped it and vanished. Ian fell in the process.

Season two finale reveals that Mona was A.

In season 3 episode 12: Nate was lying about who he was and he was obsessed with Maya. He killed her. Jenna, pretending to be blind, saw the murder. He wanted to take Paige’s life in front of Emily the way she took Maya’s affection from him. Toby got Mona out of the nut house. They are both A.

Emily gets drugged and goes on a night of memories she will lose causing her to believe she dug up Alison’s grave and stole the body. She and her friends are photographed and blackmailed over this.

Lucas’s film canisters held pills the same as what drugged Emily. Did he do this to them?

The night Allison died Garrett and Jenna met her in the backyard. Jenna and Alison verbally fought and Jenna attacked her but she was blind (due to a prank gone wrong by Alison). She told Garrett to hurt Alison. Garrett used Spencer’s hockey stick to hit the tree in warning to Allison. Jenna asked “is she dead?” Garrett made her believe it but he didn’t actually hit Allison. They left.

Garrett sees Allison in secret talking to Arias dad the same night she disappeared. Mona was A first then while she was in the nut house someone took over being A and took control of Mona. Nobody knows who this redcoat is I love you but she looks like Ali. Jenna and Shawna took officer Wilden and helped him the night he got hit . they along with Melissa have something to do with what’s happening.

In season 3 episode 13 The Queen of hearts on the ghost train were two separate individuals: detective Wilden And Melissa . Melissa thinks Allison is still alive. She went to the mask place to find out when the mask mold was made. (Season 4 episode 3) She traded her own face molding for info. She also sent Jenna and Shawna to spy on the girls at the lodge to find out if the one in charge… The one in the red coat was Alison. Nobody saw her identity that night. Wilden started the lodge fire. Wilden was probably being manipulated by someone else. He and Melissa were on the ghost train (season 3 episode 13) and attempted to kill Aria by locking her in a coffin to toss off the train.

 A upgraded to spying via hacking : surveillance cameras, police computers, all webcams. They hired Cece to be red coat. Mrs. Grunwald was helping Allison track down who was blackmailing her. Mrs. Grunwald has psychic gifts. The night Alison Went missing Mrs Grunwald went to Ali’s backyard to find her buried alive, reaching up for help. She had been hit in the head, buried and left for dead. She took Ali to the hospital but Ali vanished. Perhaps she is one red coat? A is a man and he is trying to find Allison. It seems A Is Ezra Fitz?

Shawna grew up next door to Alison’s grandparents. She knew Ali since they were 3. Ali Asked Shawna to go to Rosewood and make friends with try and find out who was trying to kill Ali. Maybe Jenna?

Ezra was writing a true crime novel about Alison. He had dated her briefly at one point and when she died he was inspired. So he started doing research undercover. Trying to find which of the friends killed Alison. He isn't A. He didn't kill Alison.

Mona was helping Ezra because they agreed that if she helped get dirt on Aria and the girls he would remove the worst of what Mona did from his book.

Alison was going around the night she disappeared...threatened everyone one by one. Blackmailing them to try and stop whoever A was. She drugged the girls (Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hannah) so that if she did get a text that night she could eliminate them from the suspect list.

Alison then went home and her mom saw who hit Ali with a rock. Then Mrs D buried Alison. She must have wanted to protect whomever it was who hit Ali. And somehow thought Ali was dead.

Mona found Ali alive after she ran away from the hospital. She took her to a motel under a fake name and told her to run away and stay “dead.”

Ali came back to town when she realized what Mona was doing to the girls...tormenting them as A.
 Ali is the one who killed Ian to save Spencer.

Ian was still alive! He probably crawled away.


Cece wore a red coat in Ravenswood to help the girls even though A and red coat are the same person? She saved Emily by shutting off the saw. Cece killed Wilden.

Shawna from Georgia fell for Jenna then decided to get revenge for what Alison did to her.


She probably shot Ezra. She then tried to shoot Alison but Aria knocked her out. She fell of the stage. Dead.



Alison comes back to town, out of hiding. Her mother is found dead and buried in the Hastings backyard. With Shawna gone and no messages from A we conclude she murdered Mrs. Di.


With Alison returned to Rosewood  Mona creates an army to stand up against Alison even though Ali says she has changed.

Tobys house blows up. Toby ran in to see if anyone was inside. It blew again. Everyone got a text from A proving they are still around.

Luckily, nobody was inside the house. Toby is fine too.


Kaleb has shown up few times since the Halloween (Season 4 episode 13) he decided to stay in Ravenswood. Every visit to Rosewood saying he can't stay but has to return to Ravenswood. Like he is prisoner. Then he admits he hasn't seen the girl, Miranda, he stayed there to help...not since that Halloween night. None of this makes much sense.


Melissa reveals that she saw Spencer the night Alison went missing. Saw her out of it (on drugs)...with a shovel. Then found Bethany Young unconscious. Thinking it was Ali, dead, by Spencer's hand...Melissa buried the body.

Caleb became a resident of Ravenswood because he stayed there so long. Then he found the town citizens were under contract with a demon? They found a loophole and broke the contract by letting jars open at the river? Fireflies flew from the forest to the heavens. Miranda was gone. Again, none of this makes sense and he tells the story so abruptly that you are confused. They either needed to have a full episode to explain it all or cut it out completely.


Mona took out her fear and anger for Alison on everyone when Ali was gone. By being A. The theory is that Alison now took over being A to manipulate her friends. Friends she chose because Alison is a sociopath and wanted a manipulate these different types of girls.

Caleb used to be the only tech nerd on the show. Then Fitz took over. Now Mona as well.

Emily repeatedly falls for any lesbian she meets. Most of which are messed up gals; Trying to drown her in a pool, rival chef who is also married, etc The show spends way too much time of Emily's unhealthy relationships portraying them as beautiful...simply because she is a lesbian. It's ridiculous.


Aria continues to fall for the wrong guys. They keep writing her a love interest who is dangerous and hiding so many secrets!!! And A is an all powerful being who can see all and hear all , get into prison and cells at any time and never get caught. Plus,murder anyone they want. The show is beyond stupid.


Mona was a crazy genius who loved dolls. Creepy dolls, dolls that looked like people she knew. And setting them up. But after Mona is dead they continue to show A creating and playing with dolls. Also, all the men who are graduated from high school take any chances they get to kiss the high schoolers. It's baffling how almost every man in the show goes after high schoolers. It's perverted.


Alison is in prison for Mona’s murder (season 5 episode 14). The four other girls taken into custody as accomplices. In season 5’s finale : In transit the four girls are kidnapped from police custody.

Mona is alive and imprisoned by A who is male. Mona had planned her own death. Her boyfriend Mike knew about the setup and hated the idea. But it went wrong. A took Mona prisoner and convinced everyone she really was dead.

A Forces Mona to pretend to be Alison .


It seems it is someone named Charles or a Campbell. The Campbell farm is a place Alison, Em, Aria, Hannah and Spencer went often when they were kids. Maybe a boy from the farm became obsessed with Alison?

There is a home video at the farm of Alison’s mom holding a baby with two blonde boys. It seems all these kids are hers. Did she have three families? One at the farm, one Dilaurentes and Jason (Hastings)?


All detectives assigned to the Rosewood Police department are corrupt idiots.

One after another.


Season 6 episode 1: Sarah Harvey is a girl who went missing the same time Ali did. She was also a prisoner of A but the girls never saw her down there.

At the farm Andrew Campbell had journals and surveillance monitoring is he Charles Dilaurentes ?

That was A setting him up to take the fall.

Mona’s friend Leslie Stone she actually met at Radley. They were both patients. Radley has proof of Charles de Laurente’s death. Charlie must be alive.

He still hides his identity but he leaves notes handwritten, making all A’s capitalized to show he is A. But this MO is very different from his old texting and signing with A.


Mr De Laurentes claims that Charles was disturbed and dangerous and as he gets older it gets worse. So they had to send him to Radley and tell the kids he was only an imaginary friend. That he did not really exist. But a home movie shows the kids as old as nine (Charles may be 11) meeting for a birthday together. In which his mom calls him Frankie? And it seems this was just a visit. That this was after he was abandoned by the family. Though his mom secretly kept him at his aunt’s farmhouse when he was old enough to live mostly on his own there. In the home movies he acts like a normal and kind kid.


The Kirissimi group Granted Hannah money for college. It turns out the group was created by the Mrs. De Laurentis family and the girls suspect it was a way for Mrs D to give her secret son money to live on. Digging deeper the girls met a representative at the Kirissimi office… Reese Matthews. Who looks like Charles but grown up!


Allison received a threat text signed Charles, not Capital A.

Reese Appears inside the De Laurentis house on prom night. Nobody is home but Reese?

The girl’s moms were looking for Mr D when they found Reese there. Yet at the same time he, A is at the prom?

 On prom night All five girls learn that Cece is A! But guess what? Cece is also Charles!

Born a boy. He loved his little sister. He tried taking care of his baby sister by putting her in the bath to make her happy. Almost drowning her. They put him in Radley when really it was just bad parenting ( not watching the little ones).

Charles wanted to be a girl and dressed like it. This was the reason they gave up their son?

Charles befriended Bethany in the mental hospital. Mrs. Cavanaugh (Toby’s mom) came upon the roof of Radley where Bethany and Charles were. Charles being dressed in a dress, aged 12, hid. Bethany pushed Mrs. C off the roof! Then blamed it on Charles.


Charles became Charlotte at 15 when they had a funeral for Charles and buried him in Aunt Carol’s backyard.

She took on the name Cece when she met Jason and Allison.

Cece is the one who hit Allison on the head to that famous night. The night Allison disappeared. She thought it was Bethany out to confront Mrs. D about an affair with Bethany’s dad. (This woman really got around!)

Mona killed Bethany thinking she was Allison.


Cece made lots of money in stock trading. She hired someone who looked like he would be Charles to work as a decoy at Kirassimi Group.

In Radley as Mona was all doped up Cece pretended to be Allison to find out stuff about the girls and do whatever she commanded Mona to do. This is how she learned about A. Cece and Mona became partners. Which means that Mona knew who the new A was!! She had to!


Redcoat was originally Allison. Cece and Sarah(The girl found captive with the other four) became red coats. They both played redcoat.

After the New York disaster Cece left the country thinking the game was over. However, she was addicted to the game so she came back.


Detective Wilden found out that Ali was alive. At Wilden’s funeral Sarah dressed in black and hid her face to see if Wilden was truly dead. He was removed from the picture by Cece so that Alison could return to Rosewood out of hiding. Wilden didn’t want that because he was involved the night she disappeared. He was paid off by Mrs D to not let the story get out… That Charles killed Ali and she buried her.


Cece is the one who found Mrs D dead. All of the secrets were out when she told all of this to the girls at Radley’s as she tried to blow herself and them all up with explosives (done by Sarah). For Cece it was game over… The End.


And that was the end of that crazy chapter
